Understanding The Counseling Process

Understanding The Counseling Process

The Truth About Depression In Men

Timmothy Washington

If you're a man, you likely don't consider that your bad mood and anger come from being depressed. This is not a condition talked about much by men in this culture. But the reality is that more than 6 million men develop some form of depression each year in the U.S. Here is how to distinguish the symptoms of depression from just experiencing another "bad day."

Two Major Forms of Depression

Each person experiences depression in their own unique ways. There are two categories of depression, with each having its own impact on you.

  • Situational Depression - Changes in your life can bring on symptoms of depression. A change in jobs, a divorce or a death in the family can bring on symptoms. They may last a few days or weeks, then go away as you are able to adapt to the change. The symptoms won't be repeated unless you experience another major change in your life.
  • Major Depression - This one comes with symptoms for which you can't determine a cause. Your mood and emotions may suddenly change and remain that way for months. If they do go away, they may return unexpectedly for no good reason. This type of depression is best treated by seeking counseling to determine the ways you can overcome the symptoms so they don't affect your life.

Spotting the Signs of Depression

When you see the following signs, a visit to your family doctor is the first step. They can also be caused by a physical problem. If your doctor finds no signs of a physical illness, then it's time to talk with a counselor about possible depression.

  • Sadness - This is common with depression, but you may not have this particular symptom. Only when you have a feeling of sadness along with other symptoms can you suspect that it's coming from depression.
  • Isolation - This happens when you lose interest in being with friends or doing your favorite activities and prefer to be alone.
  • Fatigue - You frequently feel tired at work and home. You have difficulty starting and finishing projects that require your attention.
  • Trouble Sleeping - You have difficulty falling asleep or you wake up several times during the night. You wake up in the morning not feeling rested at all.
  • Unexplained aches and pains - You may have back, neck and shoulder pains for which you can't pinpoint a cause. You may develop stomach pains unrelated to eating, work or other activity.
  • Irritability - When you do spend time with friends and loved ones, you become anxious and perhaps angry. You may lash out at people suddenly verbally for no particular reason. Some men become physically abusive while they are depressed.
  • Lack of Concentration - You can't focus on what you need to do at work or home. Your productivity suffers and you may receive comments from your supervisors about your poor performance.
  • Sexual Dysfunction - You may not be interested in being intimate with your partner or find that you can't get aroused as easily as before.

Many of these symptoms can have a physical cause. If you see you doctor and they can't find a physical reason for the symptoms, accept that you may have depression and seek counseling from a psychiatry specialist.


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About Me
Understanding The Counseling Process

When I first started understanding my anxiety, I realized that I wasn't capable of taking care of the issue on my own. Instead of trying to quietly navigate my condition, I decided to start working towards understanding the counseling process. I focused on finding the right counselor, and then I worked hard in therapy day in and day out. This blog is all about understanding how counseling can help, because I know how much it helped me. You never know, by talking with the right person and tackling your issues head-on, you might be able to enjoy a more fulfilling life.